About the site

This site contains a crowdsourced and growing catalog of the accessibility details for stand-up comedy (and some improv!) shows in the DMV area (DC, Maryland, and Virginia), for both audience members and performers.

We encourage show producers, comedians, and venue owners to submit show info here!

Accessibility encompasses a spectrum of needs and we aim to provide as detailed of information as possible, including whether ASL interpretation is regularly available or may be requested. For those venues and shows that aren’t wheelchair accessible, this includes information on the number of stairs, whether a sturdy handrail is available, and locations of restrooms.

We also include whether physical stages are accessible or not to performers with physical disabilities to both encourage and inform disabled comics to match their needs with the appropriate shows.


This directory is meant to be informational only and is partially crowd-sourced from the community. We aim to be as accurate as possible, but verifying that your specific accessibility needs will be met with venue staff and/or show producers is recommended. This directory also does not constitute an endorsement or critique of any particular venue or event.

Also note:

This work is directly inspired by Sean Gray, who created the now defunct site Is This Venue Accessible? in 2014 to provide a similar resource for punk music venues in DC and beyond.