DC Improv (WA) - Various touring and local acts, including comedy classes

1140 Connecticut Ave NW, DC (Basement level)

  • Enter through the lobby of 1140 Connecticut Avenue and take the elevator down to the basement level to access the club. You can also call the box office (202-296-7008) if you're at street level and require assistance to get in the club.

  • Show space, including accessible restrooms, are all on one level

  • Stage Info for performers:

    • Lounge: One (1) small step up. Mic stand and stool available

    • Main Room: Three (3) normally sized stairs up with no hand railing. Mic stand and stool available

      (Updated 7/19/23)

WA = Wheelchair Accessible venue (see additional Stage Info notes for performers)

NA = Not Wheelchair Accessible

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